My Rigs
Since I’m actually back on the air, I thought I’d post a couple of notes about where and how. First, here’s a picture of the shack before antenna cables.

The Icom rig has two antenna inputs, and one now connects to a Hustler 6BTV vertical, which is tuned adequately on 10/15/20 Meters, but needs some work for 30/40/80. It’s all within range. Here’s the picture. The branch with about a 2 inch clearance is scheduled to go, the rest of the foliage around I’m stuck with.

Another vertical (not even sure of brand) serves me for VHF/UHF.

For mobile use I have a Yaesu FT-8800. Yes, indeed, for those who debate the utility of this approach, I use one of the auxiliary plugs, rated and fused at 20 amps with a jack rated and fused at 15 amps. I have had no difficulty. I most commonly work 146.52 simplex and have had a number of fine QSOs while traveling.

I have my brother Bob, N3AU to thank for most of this equipment. He’s set up for 160 Meters through 70 cm and very involved in VE work and emergency preparation.
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