KT4B.com is my site for discussion of amateur radio. It will be sporadic, but occasionally interesting, I hope. My callsign, KT4B, was inherited from my data, Ray Neufeld, who was first licensed in the 1930s. I was first licensed as WB4BUQ (Conditional class, then advanced) in 1972 at the age of 15. I was then WB7VVN for some years, and then KE0OY when in the U. S. Air Force in Nebraska. It was from KE0OY (Advanced) that I upgraded to Extra class and applied for my father’s callsign.

The picture below shows the elements of my shack. This was before any antenna was installed. I have a multi-band vertical for UHF/VHF, and am in the process of tuning a Hustler 6BTV for HF use.

The Yaesu FT-8800 (top left) is now in my car. It would have duplicated capabilities in any case.

And yes, I like CW with a manual key!