Tilting My Hustler 6BTV Vertical
It takes some effort to tune this antenna properly, and the ability to tilt it is quite useful. The next three pictures show my poor (or stingy) man’s tilt option, based on a suggestion by my brother Bob, N3AU.

It takes some effort to tune this antenna properly, and the ability to tilt it is quite useful. The next three pictures show my poor (or stingy) man’s tilt option, based on a suggestion by my brother Bob, N3AU.
I run an EchoLink Proxy at niagararadioclub.com, port 8100, password w2qyv, open to everyone, especially, of course, members of the Niagara Radio Club.
Since I’m actually back on the air, I thought I’d post a couple of notes about where and how. First, here’s a picture of the shack before antenna cables. The Icom rig has two antenna inputs, and one now connects to a Hustler 6BTV vertical, which is tuned adequately on 10/15/20 Meters, but needs some…
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